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RE:Type makes New & Noteworthy List

Full Disclosure

Joi has a Flipboard obsession. She curates ten magazines on the site ranging from tech, startups and WordPress to design and user experience (UX) her interests are therefore varied as the platform itself. Her hype for Flipboard is second only to an enthusiasm for type, typeface, fonts and kerning.

Foremost in our branding and marketing strategy is the identification of a type that represents the vision of our founders. Making a memorable mark by selecting the perfect font is a driving force behind RE:STUDIO. Hence, from bold AF Montserrat to motion typefaces we have a letter for you. Ask Joi how she feels about Helvetica or her disdain for Papyrus. We dare you. A letter geek of the first degree, her beautiful (if we do say so ourselves) magazine RE:Type is an ode to all things type. From graffiti to the history of Parisian shop signs, minimalist to hedonist our girl almost certainly has a font family for you.

RE:Type Makes the Cut, or Kerning

Imagine our surprise and flat out hysterics when RE:Type was added to Flipboard's New & Noteworthy list. Curated by Flipboard's editorial staff, New & Noteworthy is a collection of the most engaging content to be found within the platform. RE:STUDIO for the win, and as it were, the likes. We awoke to an ego stroke and a surge in social media currency. Our font magazine now has nearly 12,000 followers, a small stadium full of font fans. Cue champagne corking and social media bragging rights.

Font lovers and Flipboard flippers take notice. Passing the fontspiration your way, we humbly suggest you page through Joi’s ode to typography. If you love it, spread a little social love our way. In conclusion, tell your friends, and tell us you love us in all caps.