Read: 2 mins

SEO Yoast: The Basics

SEO Yoast is used on over 5 million active WordPress websites. Packaged with RE:Studio Kit, our WordPress Admin Dashboard, SEO Yoast analyzes each individual blog post as you author it. Immediately, you'll see live suggestions about specific improvements you can make to boost your popularity on the web.

The UI is unassuming, but the plugin is powerful. It displays an easy to understand red, yellow, or hopefully green indicator that measures the quality of your content. It also allows you to customize the social media titles, descriptions and images that are attached to the blog posts, so you can alter them to various audiences and sizes.

In this tutorial for beginner RE:Studio members, we walk through our process and show you where to find each area you need to edit on WordPress.  Our video tutorial is running WP Bakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) and RE:Studio Kit, but the same rules apply without them.

We review these areas:

  • Title
  • Permalink
  • Excerpt
  • Categories & Tags
  • Title
  • Slug
  • Description
  • Twitter + Facebook

This is not a video specifically about how to author website copy (although... maybe @Reda should make one).

If you need a 101 on what SEO or search engine optimization means, SEO Yoast has a SEO Basics blog that covers it. If you're feeling froggy and want to binge this weekend on a more advanced level, take a crash course over at Google's bad ass Analytics Academy.

In closing, set some small goals in Asana, and start ranking with your posts in 2018 comrades.  But before you go, tell me how to make this video better, below.